NCIA is pleased to provide our members with the nomination forms for NCIA's 2025 Awards! NCIA's Annual Awards provide a special opportunity to recognize the outstanding achievements of individuals (as well as organizations) in our field, and we look forward to receiving numerous nominations for each award!
Award winners will be recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet held during the 2025 NCIA National Training Conference
(April 14-17, 2025 in St. Louis, Missouri).
You can download the 2025 NCIA Annual Awards nomination forms from the links in the award descriptions below. If you have any trouble accessing the 2025 nomination forms, please contact us at
Award nomination forms are due to the NCIA National Office by Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

The Rodli Award recognizes a Correctional Industries Administrator/Director (former or current) who has made sustained, outstanding contributions to the CI field and/or the NCIA during the course of his/her career.
The following criteria apply:
Candidates must be working or have worked in Correctional Industries for a minimum of five years.
Candidates must be NCIA members for a minimum of three years prior to nomination (agency or practitioner membership applies).
Candidates can be nominated by an NCIA member of any membership category.
Download the Rodli Award nomination form
This award recognizes an outstanding State or Federal CI that, within the past three years, has implemented at least two best practices and/or programmatic changes that align with NCIA’s CI Best Practice Model defined in the Guide to Reentry-Focused Performance Excellence.
The following criteria apply:
CI must be an agency member in good standing for the previous three years.
Nomination should clearly exhibit how the CI has improved their operations through the implementation of a minimum of two of the ten defined best practices.
Nomination should cover changes implemented within the previous three years.
The Rodli Award recipient’s Correctional Industry program is not eligible to receive this award in the same year.
CI candidates can be nominated by an NCIA member of any membership category.
Download the Performance Excellence Award nomination form
General Criteria (applicable to all awards):
1. The nominator and nominee submitted for an NCIA award must be an NCIA member in good standing.
2. The nomination for an award must be initiated and submitted by a qualifying individual in accordance with the above noted criteria.
3. Nominations for awards cannot result in financial gain or interest to the nominee or nominator.
4. All nominations will be forwarded to the Awards Committee for review and approval prior to the names being placed on the ballot.
5. The NCIA Board of Directors votes on the ballot of names submitted by the Awards Committee for each award.
6. Each award will be evaluated annually for a recipient.