Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Awards Banquet Reception 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM
Awards Banquet 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Every year, NCIA makes a special effort to acknowledge individuals whose extraordinary skill and leadership in their respective programs improve Correctional Industries as a whole. Join your fellow CI professionals in recognizing the 2025 award winners for all their hard work and celebrating their achievements at the NCIA Awards Banquet.
Rodli Award Recipient:
William Davidson (CA)
Performance Excellence Award:
North Carolina Correction Enterprises
National Staff Award Recipient:
Mike Jones (IN)
Staff Award Regional Recipients:
Western Region: Joshua Conner (WA)
Central Region: Mike Jones (IN)
Northeast Region: Matt Vozniak (PA)
Southeast Region: Torrey Leach (NC)
South Central Region: Chris Ponthieux (LA)

Honor Roll Recipients
Pennie Clymer (MI)
Richard Corning (WI)
Karen Donahue (IA)
Anna Fischer (MN)
Mike Jones (IN)
Rodney Keck (FPI)
South Central
Shonda Bernard (FPI)
Alan Chase (KS)
Chris Ponthieux (LA)
David Williams (NE)
Keith Findeis (FPI)
Kenneth Newby (MA)
Keith Stack (CT)
Matt Vozniak (PA)
Larry Lindsay (AL)
William Banner (FPI)
Lakethia Tolen (GA)
Torrey Leach (NC)
James Northcott (TN)
Vickie Kirby (VA)
Dustin Brendel (ND)
Annette Burtzoff (ID)
Joshua Conner (WA)
Bill Doman (OR)
Debi Kamakani (CA)
Dave McDonald (MT)
David Palma (AZ)
Cullen Wise (FPI)