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Best Practices Guide


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NCIA is proud to present the Correctional Industries (CI) Best Practice Guide! The Online Guide to Reentry-Focused Performance Excellence is a compilation of key best practice components that provide CI programs the direction and tools necessary to be significant contributors to the nationwide Reentry Initiative. The guide was developed with evidence-based practices that have demonstrated results and are measurable and replicable.


The Guide is not intended to be used as a set of standards against which CI programs should be measured. It was developed with the knowledge that every CI program is unique in its design and operation as well as where each CI is positioned along the road of Reentry alignment. Each CI program may develop and use the Reentry-Focused Performance Excellence Guide to integrate and enhance its own existing processes according to its available resources.


The implementation of best practice components may need to be modified by your CI based on departmental regulations, institutional policy and/or be contingent upon other factors including physical plant design, level of security, location of plant, cost of implementation, level of programs and state/local statutes. Implementation will assist in developing a culture of offender employability and institutional stability while ensuring the sustainability of the CI program as a whole. The key components focus on reducing recidivism through a planned process and the model is designed to evolve as more data is collected. We encourage all CI leaders, their team members and correctional professionals to utilize this resource as we continue to shape the future of CI.


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