Synopsis: Incarcerated individuals at Elayn Hunt Correctional Center in St. Gabriel are mixing isopropyl alcohol, glycerol, hydrogen peroxide and water in a 700-gallon polyethylene tank to make hand sanitizer. They are with the Prison Enterprises division of the Louisiana Department of Corrections, are using a formula developed by the World Health Organization.
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Synopsis: Incarcerated Individuals at the Allen Oakwood Correctional Institute in Lima are manufacturing hospital gowns in an effort to combat a nationwide shortage of personal protective equipment. The gowns being made at the Lima prison will only be used inside the walls of the state’s 31 penal institutions.
Synopsis: Miami Correctional Facility is making hand sanitizer, personal protection gowns, face masks and face shields. These are the supplies the state can't get enough of during the pandemic. Two production lines have been set up at the prison to produce protection gowns and masks, 200 of each per day.
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