Synopsis: Georgia Northwestern Technical College (GNTC) Drafting Technology program student William Rutledge (left), stands with Jane Hansen, the conference of court public information officer for the Supreme Court of Georgia, during the installation of a conference table designed by Rutledge while he was in prison. Rutledge, who is also an employee of Georgia Correctional Industries (GCI), has been working on the desk since December. It was at GCI’s Metal Plant where Rutledge felt like he was regaining his identity. “They gave me purpose and structure when I was in prison. Not many people have this opportunity,” Rutledge said. “I have gone from having a state prison ID number to a state employee ID.”
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Synopsis: The Correctional Industrial Facility (CIF) recently donated 1,800 masks to the local Veterans Administration and area nursing homes. For the last several weeks CIF incarcerated individuals have worked manufacturing close to 6,000 masks. First, they manufactured 4,000 masks for the incarcerated population as well as all staff members at the facility. After this necessary quota was filled the focus shifted to assisting the community!
Synopsis: Hundreds of incarcerated individuals across the state of Oklahoma are lending a helping hand during a critical time. The Oklahoma Department of Corrections says nearly a dozen prisons are making face masks and hand sanitizer for places like our hospitals, county jails and people in need. Correctional Unit Assistant Rebecca Landers has been helping teach the trade to many of the women at the facility. She says they were able to sew thousands of masks by using donated sewing machines and fabric.
CI in the News
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