Synopsis: Incarcerated individuals at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility have moved from making inmate clothing to creating cloth masks and gowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their Central Unit, as well as a handful of volunteers, have sewn some 40,000 cloth face masks so far and are now working on full-body cloth gowns. To date, we’ve made 1,500 gowns, with another 2,000 on the production floor.
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Synopsis: “Manufacturing utility PPE at our facilities seemed like a logical solution,” said Montana Correctional Enterprises (MCE) Administrator Gayle Butler referring to the nation-wide shortage of PPE. “We have knowledgeable staff, talented inmate workers, and the overall ability to be versatile in our operations.”
Synopsis: Iowa Prison Industries initially hoped to make 500 cloth gowns but instead handed out kits to make 1,000 gowns. Once the gowns are sewn together, they are going to be distributed to nursing homes and care facilities. The organization said it hopes to hand out 1,000 more kits to eager sewers on Tuesday with help from Iowa Central Community College staff.
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